Friday 14 August 2015

Stars and Milky Way

I planned to take photos of the Perseid meteor shower these two days but ended up mesmerised by the Milky Way. Stars are much more visible if there is no moon. The darker the sky, the better your eyes can spot the Milky Way. I know it is not easy to spot one, the night sky just look the same for the untrained eyes. During a starry night, the milky way looks like a dusty cloud among the stars. Try to capture the 'cloud' on Manual mode with the settings 30", f/4 (the wider the better, depending on your lens), ISO 1600 or 3200. Just for your information, I took the photos using my Canon G7X. If you can see the Milky Way on your camera screen, then you are zooming in on the right spot in the sky. To capture an excellent photo, you need to be as far as possible from the city or town. Complete darkness is the best place to witness the stunning view of the night sky. It will not be possible for us to see the stars with our naked eyes if there is too much light pollution. Perhaps camping out under the star at somewhere remote or rural is not a bad idea at all. I hope in the future I have the chance to travel to places where the astrophotographers often visit to experience it for myself the real beauty of nature while enhancing my astrophotography skills. By the way, all photos in this blog were taken in Sri Aman town, nowhere 'ulu' nor did I travel overseas for the shoot. I will be glad if anybody can share some information regarding the best place to shoot night landscape in Malaysia. I don't want a typical holiday, I prefer to go on an astrophotography adventure with a group of people who share the same interest and learn something from them. I always love the idea of going on a trip for photography purpose, or on "Instagram mission".